Mastering MindNode – Long Press Actions in iOS – Pt. 2
In our last post we explored various features that can be triggered with a long-press action on iOS. All of the gestures we saw were focused on the four icons in the inspector panel. In this installment of Mastering MindNode we’ll conclude our focus on long-press actions by digging deeper and showing a few other spots you can press down a bit longer.
Long Press to Refocus
Focus Mode lets you put a spotlight on a single thought on your mind map. While in Focus Mode, you can tap on any other branch to see an option to refocus to it, or you can use a long-press action to refocus instantly.
Enter Node Width
Entering a custom node width is a useful feature when you’re trying to create a unified style across several nodes. One way to set the width is by tapping the + and – buttons in the style panel. However, if you long-press “Width” you can open a text field to enter the number you wish.
Changing the Color
You can change the color of any element of your mind map by using the built-in color picker. While it’s very easy to pick a nice shade of blue with the sliders, there are times where you need the same shade as your company's logo. Long-press the color picker to enter the precise hex value you need.
Extract a Personal Theme
When you’ve put in the effort of making your mind map look just like you want it, it makes sense to save it for later, or even to share it with others. If you long-press the + symbol in the themes panel you can instantly extract a theme based on your mind map style and give it a name.
That’s a wrap for long-press actions. Our next Mastering MindNode post will be focused on advanced text shortcuts in MindNode on Mac and iOS.
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