MindNode Triad
by Gregory Bondaruk on August 02, 2022

5 Awesome Updates Available now in MindNode 2022.3

👋. We have a new update out 🎉. It's full of ✨ new features, making it easier for you to 👀 what's on your 🧠, on 📱, 💻 & on ⌚️! Check out what's new in MindNode.

Emoji Stickers

Emojis are ubiquitous in our digital lives. We use them to communicate, show emotions, and make our conversations more fun, expressive, and personal. Wouldn't it be great if we could use emojis like images? 🤯 Add any of the thousands of available emojis right into your mind maps.

Compact Layout

The new compact layout in MindNode

Over the years, we've heard many requests for more layout options in MindNode. Today, we delivered just what you've been asking for! Create organizational charts, family trees, flow charts, and more using the new compact layout!

Apple Watch App

Updated Apple Watch MindNode App

The MindNode Apple Watch App has always been a great way to look at your thoughts on the go, no matter what they are. Now, we've made it even easier and more convenient. The app has been rebuilt from the ground up. We've adapted the look of the new outline from the Mac & iOS, updated the document browser, and added support for folding, notes & tags. Most significantly, the app runs quicker on your Apple Watch, making browsing through your ideas smooth and enjoyable.

Outline Printing

Outline printing options in MindNode on iOS & iPadOS

Now, you can share your thoughts as an outline on your iPhone & iPad with more flexibility. We've added the ability to print and export the outline as a PDF in MindNode on iPadOS and iOS.

Just as You Left It

Finally, we've also improved how MindNode remembers the state of your documents when you close them. When you open a file you can expect to see things just as you left them, from open or closed sidebars to the same zoom level. 

Out Now

MindNode 2022.3 is available on the App StoreMac App Store & Setapp. Learn more about all of the changes in our release notes.

Get MindNode

Download MindNode now and start exploring your ideas in a whole new way.

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